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Use ScreenCastle Capture Screen Without Software

If you are a geek maybe you have to use a screen capture software to catch your screenshots for presentation sometimes, if you can get online maybe you do not have to install a software, you can use online screen capture tool to do that, like ScreenToaster. Today, I like introduce another online screen capture tool - ScreenCastle.

ScreenCastle is another online screen capture tool as ScreenToaster, you do not have install any software just use your browser to capture your computer screen. It based on Java applet, you can click a big red bar for starting. After that, it will popup java applet, you can edit screen size that you want recording and if with microphone. Click “OK, Open the recorder” to start recording, a black tool bar will appear on bottom of screen. You can go start, stop recording, after all done you can preview your recording. But it has a problem that is I could not find a way to save recorded file, only way to upload your file to its server, it gives you some links for your website. I think that is inconvenient, but other parts work fine.


ScreenCastle是一个在线截屏工具,与ScreenToaster相同,无需安装任何软件就可以进行屏幕截取。它基于Java程式,只要点击页面上一个大的红色按钮即可开始,它会跃出一个Java程式,你可以编辑要截取屏幕的尺寸,以及是否要连带录制麦克风音频。点击“OK, Open the recorder”后可马上开始录制。一个黑色的工具条会出现在屏幕底部。你可以使用开始、停止按钮,完成后你可以预览录制的文件。但是有一个问题,我并没有发现一个方法来保存录制的文件,只能上传到它的服务器上,它会给出一些链接供链接到网站上。我想着有点不太方便,但别的功能都还不错。

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