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Alternated Search Engines

Zakta - a personal and social web search engine where you can find, personalize, share and discover information from the Internet.

Umibozu - integrates three main search engines Google, Yahoo, Being into one site.

WhosTalkin - a social media search tool that allows users to search for conversations surrounding the topics that they care about most.

Behold - search image from Flickr.

TreeHoo - another search engine that can search everything from web, image, video, news, sports, audio, forum, blog, wiki, PDF.

Addictomatic - searches the best live sites on the web for the latest news, blog posts, videos and images.

Zakta - 一个个性化和社会性网站搜索引擎,帮助你发现、分享有用的网络信息。

Umibozu - 整合三个主流搜索引擎在一个网站上。

WhosTalkin - 一个社会媒体搜索工具,可帮助用户搜索当前网络上热门主题。

Behold - 从Flickr上搜索图片。

TreeHoo - 另一个搜索引擎,可以从网络、图片、视频、新闻、体育、音频、论坛、blog、维基和PDF这些分类中搜索任何东西。

Addictomatic - 搜索最佳的在线网站上的新闻、blog、视频和图片。

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